Pitufa.at » Fotogalerie » Pitufas Fahrt durch den Panamakanal

Nach unserem 'Urlaub' im San Blas Archipel wollten wir uns in Portobelo in Reparaturen und Vorbereitungen auf die Kanaldurchfahrt stuerzen. Der Dauerregen im November bremste unsere Fortschritte bei diesen Projekten aber gehoerig und wir verbrachten den Grossteil unserer Zeit mit dem Kampf gegen Schimmel und dem Trocknen von unseren Sachen. Am 15. Dezember hatten wir den Termin fuer die Kanaldurchfahrt. Unsere vorherigen Aengste erwiesen sich als unbegruendet, alles ging glatt und wir kamen am 16. gluecklich und erleichtert 'auf der anderen Seite' an. Hurrah!

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1/30: The Bay of Portobelo seen from one of its several forts.
2/30: Portobelo's pilgrimage church...
3/30: ...famous for its Cristo Negro.
4/30: Old Spanish custom house.
5/30: Panama's famous chicken buses: old US school buses colourfully painted, usually packed full, and blaring earsplitting music.
7/30: 90% of our time in Portobelo the weather looked like this...
9/30: The anchorage off Club Nautico in Colon is frightfully near the cruise ship terminal.
10/30: In the evening Astro, our first advisor for the canal transit, came aboard in Colon's Flats anchorage.
12/30: We went in a packet with a big catamaran in the middle and s/v Spruce on the other side.
13/30: Strong currents and eddies in the first lock.
14/30: At least one of our line handlers, Marian from s/v Zenna, is working hard ;-)
15/30: We spent the night alongside Spruce in the Gatun Lake and were waitiing for our second advisor at dawn.
16/30: Our second advisor Francisco.
17/30: Racing across Lake Gatun to reach the next locks in time.
20/30: All clear aboard Spruce :-)
21/30: The helpers throw messenger lines with monkey fists to the boats...
22/30: ...which are used to pull the strong lines up from the boats.
24/30: Going down...
25/30: These locomotives are used for the big ships.
26/30: Harald from s/v Tagtraeumer needs to keep quite some tension in his line.
27/30: The gates of the last lock just opened--Pacific, we are coming!
28/30: Tme to celebrate!!!
29/30: Leeloo was hiding most of the time (she does not like other people aboard), so now she needs to check where we went.
30/30: Hello Panama City!